The Best Blogging Platforms for Beginners in 2024

The Best Blogging Platforms for Beginners in 2024

Today, we’ll discuss The Best Blogging Platforms for Beginners’ Startup in 2024, from the several popular free blogging platforms. As a professional blogger, I understand that different platforms cater to different needs and preferences. What features I’ll focus are the user-friendly, money making, SEO friednly & free to low cost. So, let’s get introduced and explore the top blogging platforms available!

Introduction: The Best Blogging Platforms for Beginners in 2024

Embarking on the exciting journey of blogging opens up a world of self-expression, creativity, and the potential to connect with a global audience. Therefore, for beginners taking their first steps into the blogosphere, selecting the right platform is an important decision. The vast array of options available may seem daunting, but fear not — this guide is here to illuminate the path toward choosing the best blogging platform for beginners.

Whether you’re a storyteller, an aspiring journalist, or someone with a passion to share. This exploration into the top blogging platforms will demystify the landscape and empower you to kickstart your online writing venture with confidence. Let’s delve into the realm of user-friendly interfaces, customizable designs, and the essential features.

Top Free Blogging Platforms in 2024

As a begginer I’ll suggest only two blogging platforms from the numerous free blogging platforms. Because, these two have the most userfriendly customization, best SEO options, as well as you can earn from them without investing money or with a nominal cost. The top ranked platforms for startup include Blogger and WordPress. Now it’s time to know the features of these free blogging platforms and process to start blog in detail.

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Unleash Your Creativity with Google’s Blogging Powerhouse. is a free blogging platform that offers an easy setup process. You can create your first blog with subdomain, within a few moments. Though, you can also use a custom domain name, still there are various monetization strategies, such as ads and affiliate marketing. You can easliy create a creative outlet that generates income for you.

How to Create a Blog with

Creating a free blog with is a straightforward process. Here are step-by-step instructions to help you get started:

1st Step: Sign In or Create a Google Account

If you already have a Google account, sign in. If not, you’ll need to create one. Visit the main page to set up your account.

2nd Step: Create a New Blog

Click on the “CREATE YOUR BLOG” button.

3rd Step: Set Up Your Blog

  • Title: Enter the title for your blog. You can also change this later.
  • Address: Choose a unique and memorable URL for your blog. This will be the web address for your blog (e.g.,
  • Theme: Choose a template for your blog. You can customize this later as well.

4th Step: Create Your First Post

  • Once your blog is set up, click on “New Post” to create your first blog post.
  • Add a title and start compsing your content in the post editor.

5th Step: Preview and Publish

  • Before publishing your post, use the preview feature to see how it will look.
  • Click “Publish” when you’re ready to make your blog post live.

6th Step: Customize Your Blog

  • Go to the “Theme” section to customize the look of your blog.
  • Explore different templates, adjust fonts, colors, and layout to suit your preferences.

7th Step: Add Gadgets and Features

  • Use the “Layout” section to add gadgets like a blog archive, labels, or a profile to the sidebar.
  • Explore the “Settings” tab to configure other aspects of your blog, such as comments, permissions, and more.

8th Step: Share Your Blog

Once your blog is published, share it with friends and on social media to start building your audience.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully created a free blog with Remember, Blogger offers flexibility, and you can continue to refine and enhance your blog as you grow more comfortable with the platform.

Also Read: How to Start a Blog – A Comprehensive Guide

WordPress – [Low Cost, Friendly UI, SEO, Earn Money]

WordPress - [Low Cost, Friendly UI, SEO, Earn Money]

In the dynamic landscape of website creation and content management, emerges as a beacon of innovation. It provides individuals and businesses with the tools to develop their digital presence. WordPress embodies the spirit of open-source freedom, offering unparalleled flexibility and control over every aspect of your website.

At the heart of millions of websites globally, is a best content management system (CMS). As, it enables users to design, develop, and maintain websites with ease. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or a begginer exploring the possibilities of the online world. This open-source platform enables you to harness its power for crafting websites that resonate with your unique vision.

How to Create a Blog with WordPress?

Creating a blog with WordPress involves several steps. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you set up your blog using, the self-hosted version:

1st Step: Get a Domain Name and Web Hosting

In order to start blog using WordPress, you need to have a domain name as well as Hosting plan. Don’t worry it does not cost you much, both domain name and hosting cost you as minium as $20 per annum. But, that’s worth it!

  • Choose a web hosting provider: Select a reliable web hosting provider. Popular options include NameCheap, Bluehost, SiteGround, and HostGator. Sign up for a hosting plan that suits your needs.
  • Choose a domain name: Select a unique and memorable domain name for your blog. This is the web address people will use to find your site (e.g., or

2nd Step: Install WordPress

Once you’re done with buying hosting and domain name, it’s time to install WordPress as under;

  • Many hosting providers offer a one-click WordPress installation. Log in to your hosting account’s control panel, locate the WordPress installer, and follow the on-screen instructions.
  • If your hosting provider doesn’t have a one-click installer, you can download the WordPress installation package from the official website ( and follow the installation instructions provided.

3rd Step: Configure WordPress Settings

  • After installation, log in to your WordPress dashboard. This is usually located at
  • Go to “Settings” > “General” and enter your site’s title and tagline.

4th Step: Choose a WordPress Theme

  • On left sidebar menu, navigate to “Appearance” > “Themes” in the WordPress dashboard.
  • Click “Add New” to explore and choose a theme. You can search for themes based on your preferences or upload a theme you’ve purchased.
  • Activate your chosen theme to apply it to your site.

5th Step: Install Essential Plugins

  • Navigate to “Plugins” > “Add New” to search for and install plugins.
  • Plugins add functionality to your WordPress site. Some essential plugins include:
    • Yoast SEO for search engine optimization.
    • Akismet for spam protection.
    • Jetpack for additional features.

6th Step: Configure Permalinks

Permalinks determine the structure of your post URLs. Go to “Settings” > “Permalinks” and choose a structure that suits your preferences. For best SEO results, we suggest you to select Permalink structure “Post name”.

7th Step: Create Your First Blog Post

  • Go to “Posts” > “Add New” in the dashboard.
  • Enter a title for your blog post and start writing your content in the editor.
  • Use the formatting options to customize your text, and add media such as images and videos.

8th Step: Set Up Categories and Tags

Organize your content by creating categories and adding relevant tags. This helps in better content organization and navigation.

9th Step: Customize Your Blog

Explore the customization options under “Appearance” to modify your site’s appearance, widgets, and menus.

10th Step: Publish and Promote Your Blog

  • Once satisfied with your content, click “Publish” to make your blog post live.
  • Share your blog posts on social media to promote your content and attract visitors.

Congratulations! You’ve now created a blog with WordPress. Regularly update your blog with fresh content, engage with your audience, and explore additional features and plugins as you grow your online presence.


In the ever-expanding digital universe, the choice between Blogger and WordPress marks a crucial decision for aspiring bloggers. As we’ve explored the intricacies of these two prominent platforms. It becomes evident that both Blogger and WordPress offer distinct advantages, catering to diverse needs and preferences.

Blogger, with its seamless integration into the Google ecosystem, beckons beginners with its user-friendly interface and straightforward setup. It presents an uncomplicated entry point for those stepping into the blogosphere, providing a canvas where creativity can unfold without the complexities of web management.

On the other hand, WordPress, with its self-hosted version (, stands as a powerhouse of customization and scalability. It empowers bloggers to exercise unparalleled control over their websites, from design aesthetics to functional enhancements. The vibrant ecosystem of themes and plugins further amplifies its appeal, making it a playground for those with a penchant for tinkering with every aspect of their online presence.

In the end, the journey of blogging is as unique as the content creators themselves. Whether you embark on this adventure with the straightforward charm of Blogger or the boundless possibilities of WordPress, the key lies in unleashing your voice, sharing your stories, and finding the platform that resonates with your digital aspirations. May your blogging journey be filled with creativity, engagement, and the fulfillment of your unique online narrative.

Happy Blogging…!

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